Royal Enfield dealers from across the country gathered for their annual conference at Prescott, home to the famous hill climb track, where they celebrated the historic brand’s ninth consecutive year of sales growth in the UK.
Sales Director Ben Matthews announced that over 800 Royal Enfields were registered to UK owners in 2008, 31% more than in 2007, which in turn was 17% up on the previous year. During 2008 Royal Enfield comfortably outsold several other European heritage brands, including Moto Guzzi.
Awards were presented to the best-performing dealerships, won for the seventh yea

r in a row by Haywards of Cambridge (above left). However, they had been given a close run for their money by Richardsons of Surrey and Midlands Royal Enfield, the latter scooping Best New Dealer (right). CG Chell of Stafford was Highly Commended for the largest increase in sales.
Dealers also had an opportunity to enjoy the spring sunshine and Cotswold roads with test rides on the new Bullet Classic 500, powered by the fuel-injected unit construction engine.